The youngest son of Neal and Kay Gay, Jim has tackled important roles at the Mesquite Championship Rodeo, Fort Worth Stock Show, and many other PRCA rodeos. He has served in all aspects of producing a professional rodeo, entering the bull riding and steer wrestling events and even working as a top-notch pick-up man. Jim has picked up at numerous rodeos including the Texas Circuit Finals.
The challenges of securing quality bucking livestock for professional rodeos is an ongoing task. In 1991, Jim, along with Neal and Pete, started a breeding program to produce top bucking livestock at the family’s 1,000-acre ranch in Terrell, TX. The livestock they have raised has been performing extraordinarily well.
Jim is currently the general manager of the Rafter G Rodeo Company, which produces the Mesquite Championship Rodeo and will begin its 50th season in April of 2007.