Growing up in a ranch family, my parents always did their best to provide me with the best horses in their means; most of the time, they were horses with a problem that needed fixed and, if I could fix the problem, I knew I could win on the horse. It has taken so many blood, sweat and tears to get to this level, and when I met Buddy Rose, I knew right away that we were so much alike. Maybe a little rough around the edges and it didn’t come easy, but we both would work so hard to do our best and make the fans happy to watch us do our thing. I grew up roping and riding and it was all I cared about doing and being the best at. Buddy Rose could have given up at any point in his life and he has chosen me to keep going and working for him. He knows how special he is to me. With no papers. Being hurt and abandoned up until he was bought out of a horse sale and given another chance at showing just how big his heart is. I’m now 28 years old and have never met a more perfect animal with the same work ethic as myself and we are the perfect team.